arboreal, the Black-pencilled Marmoset has a lifestyle very similar
to other marmosets. It typically lives in family groups of 2 to 14. The
groups usually consist of a reproductive couple and their offspring.
Twins are very common among this species and the males, as well as
juvenile offspring, often assist the female in the raising of the young.Though the Black-pencilled Marmoset lives in small family groups, it is believed that they share their food source, sap trees, with other marmoset groups. Scent marking does occur within these groups, but it is believed that the marking is to deter other species rather than other Black-pencilled Marmoset groups, because other groups typically ignore these markings. They also appear to be migratory, often moving in relation to the wet or dry seasons, however, the extent of their migration is unknown. Though communication between Black-pencilled Marmosets has not been studied thoroughly, it is believed that it communicates through vocalizations. It has known predator-specific cries and appears to vocalize frequently outside of predator cries. . The Black-pencilled Marmoset diet consists primarily of tree sap which it gets by nibbling the bark with its long lower incisors. In periods of drought, it will also include fruit and insects in its diet. In periods of serious drought it has also been known to eat small arthropods, molluscs, bird eggs, baby birds and small vertebrates. Large birds of prey are the greatest threat to the Black-pencilled Marmoset, however, snakes and wild cats also pose a danger to them. Predator-specific vocalizations and visual scanning are its only anti-predation techniques. Reproduction
Marmoset is
monogamous and lives in family groups. It reproduces
twice a year, producing 1 to 4 offspring, though they most often just
twins. Its gestation period is 150 days and offspring are weaned after
8 weeks. There is considerable parental investment by this species,
with both parents, as well
as older juveniles, helping to raise the young. The offspring
are extremely dependent on their parents and though they are sexually
mature at 18 months, they typically do not mate until much later,
staying with their family group until they do.